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5 Reasons Why Outsourcing Engineering Services Is a Good Business Decision

Today’s businesses, from large enterprises to small start-ups, are realizing that outsourced engineering services can be an efficient and cost-effective way to bring their ambitious ideas to life. In this article, we’ll outline several of the important advantages outsourced engineering offers and, in the process, address some of the concerns companies may have about delegating these services to an outside entity.

1. A Sizeable Reduction in Overhead Expenses

Firms today face seemingly unending pressure to reduce operating costs while simultaneously increasing revenue. Outsourcing engineering services can help companies reduce labor costs by 30-50 percent and yield 20-30 percent savings on the overall development lifecycle, according to Industry Week. Company leaders can then use that money toward new business development, talent, and other investments.

2. Access to Talent and Technology

Outsourcing providers tend to be laser-focused on their field, meaning they constantly invest in the newest technology that may not be feasible for an ordinary business to acquire. And, the highly trained professionals working at the outsourcing provider form a deep talent pool with valuable skills that, for a company to hire such professionals full-time, would be too costly.

Some firms hesitate to entrust a vendor with their most important projects out of concern that a third-party team could be less invested in delivering the highest quality product. At RFA, we adhere to rigorous standards, extensive testing and review processes and thorough QA. Our business is built on trust, which we earn through consistent, high-quality output.

3. Faster Turnaround on Key Projects

Outsourced engineering providers are structured to move a project from intake to completion efficiently. They operate under deadline pressure applied by major clients, and that pressure means the provider spends significant time honing and perfecting its processes to satisfy client demands.

At the same time, because of the quality of the provider’s people and technology, things are not “rushed through” in ways that negatively impact the final product.

4. Flexible Resource Management

By turning over a project to an outsourced engineering provider, firm leadership can devote time and energy to other areas of the business. The firm can free up its own employees to work on additional projects and grow the business.

While some firms are concerned about losing visibility and/or control of a project given to an outsourced provider, this concern can be alleviated through open communication. At RFA, for example, we are happy to accommodate meetings, on-site visits and other methods of adding transparency for our clients.

5. Access to Support

Outsourced engineering providers often provide ongoing support to clients, including after-hours support. This is particularly valuable for clients whose teams are in multiple time zones and may have questions or concerns to address at varying times during the day (or night).

RFA Engineering Is the Partner You’ve Been Looking For

The engineers at RFA are dedicated to providing your company with the highest level of service and output. With a legacy dating back nearly 80 years, our company is trusted by clients of all sizes and across many industriesContact us to find out how we can help your business grow.

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